CLA honored by MD General Assembly
CLA Executive Director, Jackie Guild, was presented with a citation on November 12, 2015 by MD State Senator Edward Reilly on behalf of the MD General Assembly for CLA providing pro bonoassistance to the non-profit String of Pearls with organization establishment, NFP filing, and general corporate advice and assistance. CLA volunteer attorneys from Caplin Drysdale (Chris Rizek and Will Fournier) and Wells Burgess were recognized specifically and Mr, Burgess was on hand to receive his citation.
This honor was bestowed during String of Pearl’s Ceremony of Honor in Easton, MD during which it recognized owners of recent “pearls” – land preserved forever in the Bay watershed. SOP partners in its efforts with the Eastern Shore Land Conservancy, the Maryland Environmental Trust, the Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation, and the Maryland Historical Trust.