Scientific + Technical Volunteer Opportunities
Scientific + Technical Volunteer Opportunities with Chesapeake Legal Alliance
The Chesapeake Legal Alliance (CLA) coordinates a network of technical volunteers who provide pro bono scientific and expert services to individuals and organizations working to protect and restore the Chesapeake Bay and its rivers, streams, and communities. CLA technical volunteers work on a broad range of environmental, land use, and public health issues. We currently work with about 25 technical volunteers in New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, D.C., Virginia, and West Virginia.
Whether you are in active practice or retired, or work in the public or private sectors, CLA will match your skills, interest, and experience to a client group in need of your assistance. CLA helps scientists play a crucial role in Bay restoration by connecting you with individuals and organizations that need legal assistance to address water quality concerns.
Firm Pro Bono Programs
CLA pro bono matters provide great opportunities for firms looking to give back to their communities. Our pro bono matters provide new and experienced scientists with opportunities to build and expand practice skills while helping fill a critical gap in scientific analysis in the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
Please contact us, if you would like to learn more or are interested in joining our volunteer network. We are also happy to come speak to you and the scientists at your firm who may be interested in participating.
Join the CLA Scientific + Technical Volunteer Network Today!
Please fill out this form if you would like to learn more about what we do, or if you would like to join our network. We would be happy to have a conversation with you over the phone or in person. Thank you for your interest in supporting the health of the Chesapeake Bay watershed and its communities!