Dawn Stoltzfus
“For several years, this stellar organization has provided top-notch, timely, and thoughtful legal support and policy guidance for the Maryland Clean Agriculture Coalition (MCAC). CLA has helped MCAC and our 23 partners further our mission to improve Maryland waterways and protect public health by reducing pollution and increasing transparency and accountability, from agriculture and other associated sources of water degradation. Over the past year, CLA’s talented staff and Board have played critical roles on such priority MCAC issues as nutrient pollution trading, funding for nutrient management enforcement at the Maryland Departments of the Environment and Agriculture, and air and water quality concerns around industrial agriculture or Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs). MCAC’s achievements in slowing down the original, flawed nutrient trading regulations and getting final improvements that will do more to protect water quality were in huge part thanks to CLA’s work. Similarly, their legal, policy, and public outreach work around enforcement funding helped to secure $200,000 in set-aside funding for enforcement again this year – and they continue to help our coalition track whether or not Maryland will actually use these funds.”