Please join CLA in congratulating Mary Clemmensen on her promotion to Senior Staff Attorney!
Since Mary joined CLA in July 2016, she has made tremendous contributions to our success. Mary has helped grow our volunteer attorney network significantly, formed new collaborative partnerships with the communities and organizations of the Chesapeake Bay watershed, and facilitated pro bono services for hundreds of clients.
Mary spearheaded our work in Pennsylvania and expanded our reach into the northern reaches of the Bay watershed. She took the lead at CLA in producing a citizen’s guide to the NPDES permitting process in Maryland, recently presented on the Clean Water Act as part of a panel hosted by the Environmental Law Institute, and is overhauling the CLA website thanks to a grant that she obtained on behalf of CLA.
Mary will continue to take the lead on legal issues concerning the northern portions of Maryland and the Eastern Shore of Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, and New York.
Staff Attorney Molly Brown continues to address legal issues concerning Annapolis, Anne Arundel County, Prince Georges County, D.C., Virginia, and West Virginia.
Support our staff attorney positions with a gift to CLA TODAY!