Yellow Perch spawning in the headwaters of the Magothy River on February 26, 2017
Yellow perch spawning in the headwaters of the Magothy River on February 26. This is an area that the Maryland Department of Natural Resources had said could no longer support yellow perch! Another sign that we’re making progress on restoring the Bay?
Paul Spadaro wrote:
Magothy River friends.
I am happy to report that hundreds of yellow perch are right now “tonight” swimming their way up the upper Magothy to spawn. This Yellow Perch egg sac picture was taken at 4 pm today, note MRA volunteers watching the hundreds of yellow perch doing their THING! Each egg sac contains between 5,000 to 20,000 eggs.
Holly cow! Here is the drill, the males work their way up the creek into fresh water where males look for a good spot for the females to lay their eggs and then the Males COMES by and fertilizes her eggs.
Here is the today’s video: But I am sad to report that DNR publicly has stated for the record that Yellow Perch is a dead spices in the Magothy River, would somebody please tell these fish that!
Moving Forward,